Total Harmony Medicine

Promising Findings on Conscious and Connected Breathing

Promising Findings on Conscious and Connected Breathing

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology showed that conscious and connected breathing can reduce symptoms of depression and improve emotional well-being in patients with mood disorders.

  • Another study, published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, found that mindful and connected breathing was effective in reducing anxiety in patients with generalized anxiety disorders.
  • In addition, Frontiers in Psychology magazine published a study that revealed that conscious and connected breathing can have positive effects on emotional regulation and stress response.

These studies support the idea that mindful, connected breathing can be a powerful tool for improving mental and emotional health, without the potential risks associated with cannabis use.

  • This means that conscious and connected breathing offers a natural and effective alternative to treating depression and anxiety. It is a safe practice, without side effects and accessible to everyone.

By focusing on our breath, we can find greater emotional balance, calm our mind, and improve our overall well-being.

If you are looking for a natural way to improve your mental health, we encourage you to explore the magic of conscious and connected breathing with our doctor Maríam Tovar.

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