This month begins with Breastfeeding Week, a celebration that motivates us to share an interesting fact that can help a family member, friend or co-worker.
This is acupuncture for women who produce low amounts of breast milk known as hypogalactia.
With acupuncture performed by an experienced professional trained in this alternative therapy, the mother will have the opportunity to live this beautiful experience, but above all, it will allow her to feed her baby well.
Acupuncture not only helps stimulate the flow of milk from the mammary glands, it also helps prevent infections such as mastitis or candidiasis.
This ancient treatment allows to reduce the pain of the breasts that occurs during the first weeks of lactation. Acupuncture is a great ally for this process experienced by many women in their first months of breastfeeding.
It works very well as a complementary treatment.
Share this valuable information so that it reaches more women who are experiencing this syndrome (hypogalactia) in their breastfeeding process.
We are at your disposal in Sarasota, Florida for you to be attended by Dr. Maríam Tovar, a professional of conventional medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).