Well-being is the set of things necessary to live well, with peace of mind with proper functioning of their somatic and psychic activity.
The skin is daily exposed to factors that affect it negatively.
For example, stress caused by family situations, work, among others.
Also due to environmental pollution and lack sun protection.
In this sense, carrying out daily skin care advised by a specialist can help manage all the factors that affect both internally and externally.
From the approach of Chinese Medicine, the skin is a reflection of the Lung channel and is closely related to dermatological condition.
This means that if the lung is weak, the defensive Qi will not reach the skin, and symptoms such as dry skin and hair, excessive sweating, absence of sweating may appear.
The Lung has the function of dispersing or diffusing the Protective Qi and organic liquids in the body, between the skin and the muscles.
Being located in the uppermost part of the body, in the highest position, its Qi has to descend.
In our consultations we help you improve your stress situation with alternative therapies and treatments to improve or maintain the skin of your face and body in good condition to the point of feeling good about yourself, avoiding any major damage that threatens your health.
For inquiries we invite you to schedule your appointment via WhatsApp.
PS: With information from Consalud.es