November 22 world music or musician day.
In nature there are five types of music, GONG, SHANG, JIAO, ZHI and YU.
According to Chinese medicine, in our body we have 5 organs that correspond to these types of music: spleen, lung, liver, heart and kidney.
Music can penetrate the organs and interact with Qi.
Different types of music influence the organs differently.
Here are some suitable music therapies for different organs that you can easily find on the internet:
Music therapy for the heart.
Suitable for symptoms such as insomnia, chest tightness, nervousness, chest pain or anxiety. The music to nourish the heart is called “ZI ZHU DIAO” and the ideal time to listen to it is from nine to eleven at night.
Music therapy for the Liver.
Suitable to treat Liver Qi irregularity, irritability, breast pain, dry eyes, fear, among others.
The music to nourish the liver is called “HU JIA SHI BA PAI” and the indicated time to listen to it is from seven in the afternoon to eleven at night.
Music therapy for the Spleen.
Suitable for excessive thinking, discomfort in the abdominal area, flatulence, diarrhea, obesity, among others.
The music to nourish the spleen is called “SHI MIAN MAI FU” and the ideal time to listen to it is while eating or up to an hour after eating.
Music therapy for the Lung.
Suitable for treating smoking, and the fatigue generated by respiratory diseases.
The music to nourish the lungs is called “YANG CHUN BAI XUE” and the time to listen to it is between three and seven in the afternoon.
Musical therapy for the Kidney.
Excess fatigue, alcoholism, are some of the things that can damage the kidney. The music to nourish the kidney is called “MEI HUA SAN NONG” and the time to listen to it is between seven and eleven in the morning.
Did you know these interesting facts about music focused from the MTC?
How about?
Source: Higher School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.